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W3lc0me aboard >:3

This is J@mbo (Lamar Jambi) :P. I'm an Integrated Design and Media, Computer Science, and Game Design student at New York University. Currently based in Brooklyn, NY! Interested in digital art, game development, and comnputer visison in entertainment :]

Illustration of Lamar

Experimenting with different game engines!!


Where do my skills lie?

Digital Art

Adobe Photoshop Adobe Animate Concept art Character Design

Programming Languages

C# C++ Python Java JavaScript HTML/CSS React


Unity Unreal Adobe Suite UI/UX tools (Figma, Robotics (Arduino, Pi) P5.js Processing
Sn@ke Game

Lead our Sn@ke (pink :3) to his food using your magical Kirby mouse!

Score: 0
High Score: 0